Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oh Army

Fresh start.

Moved from Germany to Colorado. It's ok here, but really, I hate snow. And its dry. I live inside a bottle of lotion. Seriously, I go through an entire bottle in 2wks.

Wayne's army career is up in the air for now. I'll post more on that later. Right now, he's going to the promotion board on Jan 30th. Cross your toes for him.

Feb 21st I'm moving back to FL. Land of humidity. YAY. I cannot stress how glad I will be to get back. Closer to the beach, closer to my nieces, nephews & god-daughters. I've missed so many mile stones in their lives, so many birthdays. It's just sad. My kids miss my family too. The army has just pulled us away for so long.

How long will we be there? Who knows. It's all up to the Army I suppose. Maybe permanently, maybe until August. Like I said, it's all up in the air. I really don't have an answer right now. That's just how the army works. You never know until something happens. If he does stay in, I want to try to get stationed somewhere else. This altitude isn't going so well for Trey's asthma. He was started on a daily inhaler. Plus, it's doing a number on my migraines. I've been ordered back to a neurologist. Something I haven't done since I left Kentucky... and that scares the skin off me.

So, in the mean time, I have 5 weeks. FIVE WEEKS to pack my house, get stuff into storage, find Wayne an apartment, move him, clear this army house, get the kids signed out of school here, pack for FL, rehome Hazel because she's not going to make the move to FL because of her health, make sure meds and med records are prepped for moving and try not to go crazy.... because I have to do most of this on my own.

Because... Army. Wayne can't take any leave until the 18th because he's got to work. We're going to start driving on the 21st, stop at Trish's house, then Allie's, before heading to my moms. He'll only be in FL about 2 days before flying back to CO.

Oh, and did I mention his DL is expiring in 5 days? Yeah, fun times. I just hope his renewal gets here BEFORE I leave, otherwise, I go solo. YAY. More things to stress about. I might go bald from pulling my hair out before then. I think the ONLY thing keeping me sane right now is knowing that there is Trish, Allie, nieces, nephews, god-daughters and BEACH in my very near future.

I just have to make it 5 more weeks and a 39hr car drive first. 

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